The new-look of CandyValentino.it
There’s an air of renewal on the blog CandyValentino.it: from today, the home page has a new “look”. Two years after the birth of the web site focused on the excellence of Italian fashion and food&wine, the time had come for a restyling. I present to you, then, the new photo of the home page, taken at the beautiful holiday location in Rome “De Renzi”, in Trastevere historic district. In the gallery below you can browse the shots taken thanks to the help of Emanuela Ludovica Mariani and Luca Loaldi.
Candy Valentino for Eli. B
In the cover image, I’m wearing a precious dress by Eli. B collection: I’m honored to be among the first to bring this prototype of the Italian brand’s new line. The dress, while reflecting the key features typical of the brand and 1950s inspiration, focuses on a shiny iridescent red fuchsia fabric: a choice of great visual impact and which guarantees a magnificent fit and comfort. Another novelty of the dress, as I show in the image selected for the CandyValentino.it home page, is the V-neckline on the back.
I wrote some time ago about Eli. B’s collection in one of my articles and I’ll soon tell you again about the brand’s debut in the United States.
Candy Valentino for Dalfiume Nobilvini
How could a good glass of red wine be missing to relax during the photoshoot? To symbolize the best Italian food&wine, in the photo we have chosen to present you one of the latest creations by Castel San Pietro Terme’s cellar Villa Poggiolo Dalfiume Nobilvini. This is the excellent Sangiovese Superiore DOP “LXX Riserva Settanta”, produced for the 70 years of activity of the winery, as I wrote not so long ago in an article of mine.
CandyValentino.it’s new logo

Last but not least, here is the new logo created by PaintBoz’s studio. It recalls the previous version with a more essential and feminine style, coherent with the personality of the blog. The new logo will now be on all my social channels, such as YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter which I invite you to follow.
I sincerely thank everyone for having once again believed in my editorial project: we have in common the ability to invest new energies in quality made in Italy that we don’t want to abandon!
Candy Valentino